Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
Porkchop, is a Vietnamese Pot-belly pig, was given to the staff at Airboat Rides at Midway by a couple, who visited the premises to take an airboat tour, and decided the grounds were a suitable place for Porkchop to call home.
Vietnamese Potbelly Pigs like Porkchop are smaller than American or European farm pigs and weigh up to two hundred pounds. The colors can range from solid black to solid white, with different colored spots in between. The Vietnamese Pot-belly pigs are indigenous to the mountainous regions of Vietnam and Thailand.
Porkchop’s coloring is pink with black spots and white hair covering him from head to toe. He loves to eat apples, strawberries, and salads but will eat anything you put in front of him. According to staff, he is generally a very healthy eater. His favorite pastime is to take naps, and Pork Chop takes his naps in his favorite spot by the back porch door. When he is not taking his naps, Porkchop likes to enjoy the grassy areas of the property.
If you haven’t yet, you can catch up with Porkchop on his Instagram page.
Meet Porkchop and the other animals after your next Airboat tour with Airboat Rides at Midway!